Two Mistakes Dieters Make at Restaurants


Here are some mistakes that dieters make when they go to restaurants.

They make assumptions about the caloric content and macros of the restaurant menu's dishes

Many new dieters make the mistake of assuming that they know which dishes on a restaurant menu are the healthiest, based solely on these dishes' names, and do not actually look at the macros or calories of the meals on the online restaurant menu (this is information that many modern restaurants provide).

For example, a person might see that a restaurant serves soup and a sandwich or full roast dinners as part of their menu's main courses and might assume that the former is lighter and healthier than the latter. However, if, for instance, that soup has a starchy potato base and lots of cream and the sandwich that accompanies it is an American grilled cheese that has been drenched in lashings of butter and comes with thick bread and high-fat cheese, it could very well have double or triple the calories of a roast dinner, that comes with a modest portion of roast potatoes, a piece of chicken and some boiled vegetables.

This is why dieters should always check out a restaurant's online menu to examine the macros and calorie content of the meals that appeal to them instead of assuming that some dishes are lighter than others.

They don't modify the super-healthy menu items to make them slightly richer

Another blunder that dieters make is picking super-healthy menu items that don't necessarily sound that appetising to them and then not asking for any modifications that could potentially make them more indulgent. This is a mistake, as in order for a person not to lose interest in their diet before they've dropped the kilos they want to, they must eat healthy items that they actually like (particularly when they go to restaurants, as the point of this activity is to have a really mouth-watering meal). Sometimes, this might mean that they need to make changes to their nutritious meals that will make them ever-so-slightly richer.

For example, if a person spots a healthy-sounding salad on a menu, that comes with plain turkey, seeds and watercress, they could ask for a small, freshly-baked bread roll with some real butter on the side, which would make this very healthy-but-plain meal feel indulgent. Although this approach might result in the kilos dropping off slightly more slowly, it is more sustainable and will make the person's restaurant visits much nicer.

To learn more about options for dieters on a restaurant menu, contact a restaurant like Parafield Gardens Community Club Inc.


17 March 2021

How to Make Eating Out Fun

Eating out should be a fun experience. If you are tired of spending evenings out with your friends and family which you don't quite enjoy, you have come to the right place. Here, we aim to bring you all of our top tips which will help you to have a great evening of food, drink, and laughter. While we don't work in the restaurant industry, we do have a passion for eating out. This passion has driven us on to research and write the articles you see here. Read on to find out about different cuisines, interesting dishes, and much more!